Friday, October 14, 2005

Pretty Baby

(Lyrics but forgive me for that... luv this song, its for Vanessa Carlton and its so sweet.... read it thru and try to listen to it)

You light me up and then I fall for you
You lay me down and then I call for you
Stumbling on reasons that are far and few
I'd let it all come down and then some for you

Pretty baby don't you leave me
I have been saving smiles for you
Pretty baby why can't you see
You're the one that I belong to
I'll be the embrace that keeps you warm
For you're the sun that breaks the storm
I'll be alright and I'll sleep sound
As long as you keep comin' around, oh pretty baby

And I know things can't last forever
But there are lessons that you'll never learn
Oh just the scent of you it makes me hurt
So how's it you that makes me better


Why can't you hold me and never let go
When you touch me it is me that you own
Pretty baby oh the place that you hold in my heart
Would you break it apart again... oh pretty baby


Pretty baby, why can't you see
Pretty baby, don't you leave me
Pretty baby, why can't you see
Pretty baby, don't you leave me,
Pretty Baby
My Pretty Baby
My Pretty Baby
Don't you leave me


Anonymous said...

Mesh fahem !!

Christian said...

Vanessa carlton :D
c'est la "vey"
hehehe, wonderful days

Nag said...

mesh fahem eih ya Kareem?

Yes "sai la vey" ;) (or at least thats what she says :))
and that was before you got us lost :P

Christian said...

yes and also before I got us back on track without asking people :p

You know since I've been here, I've been lost countless times, and I still have never stopped to ask someone about the way. Although here they would probably tell you something useful or else shut up unlike Egypt. But still, I didn't :p

fa elly khalany mesh bas2al fe Seattle has2al fe balady!? :P