Sunday, October 23, 2005

Dear Murphy

(not necessarily in response to Duke's old post about Murphy's law)

Dear Murphy-
With all due respect, you are wrong. Things can (and do) work out sometimes for people.. Sometimes things are going off cliff when miraculously, they actually do work out. You need to understand and believe in it, or it never will come your way.. Of course sometimes things tend to have a mind of their own and just screw themselves up, but you never know when they're going to get better!

Murphy, you need to do your work keeping in mind that things can go terribly wrong, yet believe that they can work out.......

Dear Murphy, give me a call sometime and i'll either bring sunshine into your dark side or give you a heart-attack... Both ways, you'll deserve it..



Anonymous said...

Is this related to your theory that if you saying something long enough it will become true? :p

Anonymous said...

I really doubt Mr. Murphy here stands a chance with your secret weapon of sunshine... It's that thing I was telling Alya about when we saw her...

The Duke of Darkness said...

Indeed Things can go right or wrong, but if there's a chance they'd go wrong they would. Even if the chances are in 1:1000000
if things go right 999999 times right they would go wrong the next time around. Simple Deductive Logic.

You just can't assume that things would go right everytime

and eventualy the sun would run out of sunshine as it runs out of fuel

and i would sue you for stealing one of my posts title

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a composition from school :)

Nag said...

i got this feeling actually when writing it :)

Nag said...

Adam's mom-
Welcome back, and well, wow!

this is by far the best letter to Murphy :)

and it sort of explains your disappearance in the past period :)

Hope all is cool at your side..

Christian said...

lol, well he is around now, not as often as he would like to but still trying :)

It's amazing to see I had an impact on people's lives :P

Welcome back adam's mom, you were truly missed :)

BF said...

I totally agree with Murphy and the duke of darkness is just spot on.
I would add based on experience that when things go wrong, they will go wrong at the worst time possible as well. You'd better prepare for it and be ready, so that you break it with a smile when something hits the fan in the anticipated just smile and shrug 'Who cares, I always knew it will all happen' rather than thinking there is a slim chance things will go wrong and that 'things' will always be generous cause you deserve to be treated this way and why me and all this stuff..the pace of the events in this case in addition to your surprise will just leave you stunned, paralysed and even more depressed than ever!