Sunday, April 16, 2006

Us and Them...

Oh, the white folks hate the black folks,
And the black folks hate the white folks;
To hate all but the right folks
Is an old established rule.

But during National Brotherhood Week,
National Brotherhood Week,
Lena Horne and Sheriff Clark are dancing cheek to cheek.
It's fun to eulogize
The people you despise
As long as you don't let 'em in your school.

Oh, the poor folks hate the rich folks,
And the rich folks hate the poor folks.
All of my folks hate all of your folks,
It's American as apple pie.

But during National Brotherhood Week,
National Brotherhood Week,
New Yorkers love the Puerto Ricans 'cause it's very chic.
Step up and shake the hand
Of someone you can't stand,
You can tolerate him if you try!

Oh, the Protestants hate the Catholics
And the Catholics hate the Protestants,
And the Hindus hate the Muslims,
And everybody hates the Jews.

But during National Brotherhood Week,
National Brotherhood Week,
It's National Everyone-Smile-At-One-Another-Hood Week.
Be nice to people who
Are inferior to you.
It's only for a week, so have no fear;
Be grateful that it doesn't last all year!

~ Tom Lehrer, National Brotherhood Week (a really nice song, check it out)

So, *what* is the deal? (a la Jerry Seinfeld).. why are we fighting the wrong battles? why are we "hating all but the right folks" as Lehrer says? are we turning into another Lebanon? getting mixed up in internal turmoil so much so that we forget to see the big picture?
What is happening in Alex? What is the truth behind what happened? And how about this guy he caught? did you see his picture in the papers? it's like someone told him "e3mel 3abeet" and they took his picture!
What is happening with Palestine? how come the Palestinian guy comes to Egypt and he doesnt meet the foreign affairs guy? did he forget to call before he comes so he found no one home?

We, as people in general and as egyptians in particular, like to be prejudiced on "us" and "them"... I just believe we choose the wrong us and them... we draw the lines at the wrong boundaries.

I know i have an anti-political inclination... but i cant keep it in...

Just blogging it out...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bitter and ugly...
wonder what were they thinking when they told the guy "e3mel 3abeet"...maybe the message was you people while reading the papers "e3melo 3abeteen"!!!