Sunday, July 17, 2005

I dont like Mondays!

(but no, this is not some lyrics.. altho speaking about Pink Floyd and Bob Geldoff and all, i must say i luv this song :) i like it by Bon Jovi as well :))

anyway.... i was supposed to do a week "in a glance".. but that keeps getting delayed so i guess maybe not now as well....

so, until the next post.. bbye..

cheers! :)


The Duke of Darkness said...

I hate them too

Last Unfortunat Event on a Monday: When I sprained my neck/back

Tori Amos did a nice cover of the song as well. you might need to check it out

Christian said...

Avril also said it in her song "He wasn't"
What happened to my Saturday
Monday is coming, the day I hate.

I guess nobody likes them poor Mondays, with the possible exception of hairdressers and barbers (their holiday is Monday in Egypt)

What's wrong with Mondays?!

Anonymous said...

It's the Sundays I can't stand cause they're the first day after the weekend and I always feel sleepy half way through, and I have to sleep early on Saturday so the day is almost ruined...I always have a "case of the Sundays". Also Tuesday is's just there in the middle of the week ?!?! we should be getting that off too.

Anonymous said...

As always, Kareem is right. Karim/eems are always right :)

Why would someone in Egypt hate mondays. It's just the effect of watching too many foreign movies.

The Duke of Darkness said...

Coz Sundays are great:
-we have Premiership Football Games
-Formula One Races
-We have a fake new hope that things might change and you can have a really nice week, but by Monday you reach the realization that things are still gonna be the same.

I have no sleeping problems as i don't sleep much anyway even during weekends.

ummm.. and am too dark to be infuenced by foreign movies

Nag said...

i totally agree with you about the 3rd point... i mean i'm not at all fond of Sundays, but there is always the "lets see how this week turns out" hope..... by Monday, its gone :)

and Kareem, whats that about sleeping early on Saturday?? i havent seen that since school aslan!! and coming from someone who would go out after work on a weekday (i.e. not before 10), thats not a very good excuse :P

Karim-bo, whats with you and criticizing me?? do you mean am brainwashed by western culture??? and Karim/eems are not _always_ right.. just a big portion of the time ;)

Anonymous said...

(switching to egocentric narcissist mode)I agree with Karimbu that Kari/eems are always right; over the years we’ve lead nations to the top (unable to switch it here :D)

And about sleeping early I usually return home around 4 on Thursdays and Fridays, but usually people don't like going out on Saturday night casue tomorrow is the first day and u get that grumpy look and u think if u sleep long enough the problem will just disappear. It's the same as we were in school...yes

Christian said...

Karembu is probably right about the too many movies thing :p

over the years we’ve lead nations to the top

Of course, who could forget Kari/eem Ankh Amun, Kari/eem Bonaparte, Kari/eem Lincoln, and last but not least Kari/eem Mubarak :D

Nag said...

very cool funny comment!

wait a minute here, are you making fun of me? i dont watch too many movies.. am not the one quoting Friends all the time!

Christian said...

Friends is an awesome movie that's true, that's why I watch it over and over.

You're just jealous because I can quote them while you would like to but can't :P

And for a second there I thought you'd be saying "wait a minute here, are you making fun of me? Asdak en ana tekheena?"

The Duke of Darkness said...

Guess Nag doesn't need to quote friends: She's a real life version of Pheobes:))))))))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

i guess i was a bit too hasty. i automatically assumed that the duke's hatred for mondays was based on the idea of their being the first day of the week.

(note to self: do not not not assume...)

The Duke of Darkness said...

Indeed they are the Boomtown Rats, Geldof's old band.

This song is about Brenda Spencer, a 16-year-old high school student who lived across from an elementary school. On Monday, January 29, 1979, she opened fire on the school with a rifle, killing 2 adults (including the principal) and injuring 9 kids

When asked why she did it, she replied, "I just started shooting, that's it. I just did it for the fun of it. I just don't like Mondays. I just did it because it's a way to cheer the day up. Nobody likes Mondays."

This song along with "Do They Know It's Christmas", "The Wall:The Movie", Live-Aid and Live 8 are Geldof's greatest contributions to the history of our planet.

The Song was covered by Bon Jovi in a memorable concert in Wembly Stadium where he invited "The Knight of the British Empire, Sir Bob Geldof" to perform with him onstage in the concert finale.
The performance was excellent that it made it to Bon Jovi's Live Album "One Wild Night" in addition to a Bonus CD release with their 1995 "These Days".

The song was also covered by Tori Amos on her album "Strange Little Girls" on which she's covering songs written by her male peers.

A few weeks ago, on my blog, the song made it to my personal greatest 50 songs of all time, which is about its greatest ever honor.

...Universaly Speaking

Nag said...

yes i have the Bon Jovi/Bob Geldof live version on my "2 CDs containing all Bon Jovi work except the song 'Always'" :D (a friend got me those 2 CDs from Russia/Siberia that _supposedly_ had all his work)

i wanna take a long vacation

The Duke of Darkness said...

yeah yeah
that friend

The one you ruthlessly dumped ny Bartner for one night

recall that




Rings any bells:))))))))))?!!

Angle face

Devil's tail:)))))))))))))))))

Nag said...

Oh My God! (in a "Friends" Janice tone)
I cant believe you are bringing that up _again_!
your bartner was the one who let me down...
Karim-Bo, tell him! i came up to him and told him "Lady's Choice" so he stalled and stalled and kept asking "are you serious" and all.. until the song was about to end... so i literally dragged him... while standing there to further negotiate, my Siberian friend came, offered his hand and led me to the floor... i couldnt say no to this, could i? after all, it was Du's engagement! :)

Christian said...

yeah, I get the picture, all for du's sake of course, it was all selfless :P

Anonymous said...

Mmmm...let's not go there :) Forgive and forget.