Tuesday, December 26, 2006

All faces of Eve..

Yesterday we went out, Duke & Meyo, Karembu, Du, and me for a very nice dinner at a new place in Mohand. (Massimo not Massimo's ya mayo :P)

Anyway so on the way back home, i had quite an interesting talk with Karembu about relationships and their relation with your phase of life.. My argument was eno based on your "age group" and other factors, people of the opposite sex start assessing your "potentiality" to make a good partner.. Of course i am talking here about single people..

Mainly it went like this: when i graduated 4-5 years ago, I was in the "she's nice.. a couple of years ahead she'll make a good candidate" phase.. it was cool back then, a guy can be nice to you within the boundaries of normal decency and you wouldnt go wondering what he's after.. similarly, I felt (more) free to express myself without being misunderstood (most of the time at least)..

Right now, its my prime :D People (guys) would go like "is she available? she seems interesting.. hmmm.. what if?" And then people (girls and guys alike) would go tell a guy "how about N? Isnt she nice? Why dont you check it out with her?" Don't get me wrong, I am not flattering myself or anything.. It's not specific to me this attitude, it hits almost every girl.. When i say this phase is my prime, i dont necessarily mean i like.. Quite the contrary, I dont welcome the fact that everything i say/do is analyzed and assessed to determine my "potentiality".. Anyway, so 5 years from now -if i am single- I will be in the "She seems too nice to have stayed single" phase.. and people would go like "What has this world come to if people like her are still not taken?" :D I am serious i know people in this phase... 5 more years ba'a and i will be in the "hmmmm.. i wonder why she's still single.. there must be some mystery" phase..

I am not going to express how i feel about these classifications.. I realize that marriage, couple-dom, and companionship/relationship is an integral part of our lives.. But i dont like being classified according to my work, education, OR "potentiality" :D

Anyway, so Karim's reply was "ah.. so you're looking for a 3arees?" :P

Hmmm... MEN!


Anonymous said...

I didn't say that!

Nag said...

you did.. you said "ya3ni enti 3ayza tetgawezi"

Christian said...

sounds like nagaiaia 3ayza tetgawez :P

hehe j/k. On a totally off-topic note I just realized I really miss your "olla awi enta" statement.