Monday, February 06, 2006

Of Lady Godiva, Cats, and Bookmarks (Addendum)

Bey2ollak eno Lady Godiva was married to a guy who enforced really harsh taxes on his people.. The lady, being of a kind heart, tried to talk her husband out of it... the people told her eno please talk to him w keda.. So her husband, a guy who obviously enjoys a good laugh, made a bet with her that if she would ride through the city totally naked except for her long hair, he would reduce/cancel the taxes...
Lady Godiva said "ok eshta cool" (she said them in that order).. and she makes a deal with the people of the city that they stay inside and close their windows while she rides through the streets.. the people say "mashi ok" (after all, she is doing *them* a favor fa 3eib ya3ni!)
They all stick to their word, except for one who makes holes in the window shutters and peeps at her.. Hence the term "Peeping Tom" :)
you can read the Wikipedia article about that....

Now this talk about Lady Godiva is because this name also refers to one of the world's best chocolate companies, Godiva.

Yesterday, i received Duke's and Duchess' bday gift.. they took me out to dinner (actually "linner", a lunch/dinner combination) at Chilis, then gave me a box of Godiva Truffles that he got from Brussels, an amazing coloful mug with two cats -their faces half-painted with golden from Frankfurt, and a painted calendar that is also twelve bookmarks (each month is taken out to make a separate bookmark) that Meyo got me from Turkey :)

So, its an international gift (or gifts) :D

Read the previous post if you didnt, i blogged twice today! :)


Anonymous said...

Oooooops...I missed your BD!!!
Lots of kisses :)

Nag said...

lol :)

kisses back :D

thank you

The Duke of Darkness said...

Am glad you liked the chocolate lady Nag:)

The mug is all you. I saw that cat's and immediately realized that this one's for Nag:):)

Christian said...

Funny thing that on the same day I read this post I receive a box of Godiva truffles myself!
Interesting story about lady Godiva, never knew that :)

Happy Birthday again ya bent ya Nagaiaia :)