Sunday, April 26, 2009

7adeeth Qudsi

ويح ابن آدم يذنب الذنب فيستغفرني فاغفر له ثم يعود فيستغفرني فاغفر له، ويحه لا هو يترك ذنبه ولا ييأس من رحمتي، أشهدكم يا ملائكتي أني قد غفرت له

Amazing our eternal optimism!


BooDy said...

Well it's amazing how the flying spaghetti monster is our get out of jail free card, we get to do all kinds of crap then go beg her for forgiveness and voila! it's all good again. We feel good about ourselves for she is a forgiving god :)

truly amazing :)

Anonymous said...

i think, it is how you deal with the endless forgiveness is a peak inside to who you really are.