Monday, March 23, 2009

Relationship Theories - The Intro

I decided -based on my vast knowledge in the field (or lack of!)- to share with the cyber world a series of my relationship theories.. These theories are based on facts, fiction, fantasies, and purely subliminal ideas.. Situations shared hereinafter (i love this word!) in this and upcoming posts did not necessarily take place. Not in real life anyway!


"You make my heart go slower", I said out of the blue. "Hmmm, shouldnt that be I make your heart beat faster?", he said, wondering at the way my mind works.. And I explained that this is _exactly_ the point! We are always waiting for the butterflies in stomach, sweep me off my feet, make my heart beat wildly kind of feeling.. Which is nice and beautiful and everything.. but it is an excitement that eventually wears off, or doesnt sustain the pressure, or whatever.. and I have realized that i'd rather have someone who'd slow down my heartbeats.. putting me in a state of inner peace, so that if/when they go, I am still at peace.

And this concludes my first Zen relationship theory.. Does it make any sense?


Zeww said...

Makes sense el sara7a..
but really, who wants inner peace when you can have a roller coaster and butterflies. Wala is that just me?!

Anyway, Zen of the heart master NagNag, my you find the peace of mind that you're looking for.

Nag said...

hmmm.. am not talking boredom slow-paced life or antakha.. I am talking excitement still, but the ability to "chill" in their existence... the ability to have hearing someone's voice calm you down. I am not talking about not trying hard enough, but rather trying hard because you want (not have) to.

And yes, for me this is a change. I always used to feel rather "obligated" to try, if you know what I mean.

Mohammad said...

for me, no!

Y. M. S. said...

I think every relationship starts with the fast heart beat which is you know, being nervous about how you look, what to say, sexual tension, but after the first few dates it either goes away which isn't quite a great sign to me, or it just transforms into that inner peace. The heart beats slower, you feel comfortable to talk about anything, you become less tense sexual as you start to interact physically. So, yea it makes sense to me, but the natural course would be fast heartbeat that slows with the progress of the relationship.

Nice idea about the theories. I might actually copy this idea and start doing it too when I am back to blogging.

Waiting to read more.

Ayat Elshami said...

Make your heart go slower... and your life feel normal... but complete...
If this is the case, it would make so much sense. Who wants full-time excitment when you can replace it with completeness and order... and only a few moments of excitement ;)

Cookie said...

I know exactly what you mean and it's making perfect sense to me, inner peace is very difficult to find, and when someone really gives you that...then wow!

Cookie said...

And well, this is what I wanted to say anyways!
I was wondering, what's after "The Intro"?