Tuesday, January 18, 2011

ارتباك الأدوار

"عند رحيل المستحيلة.. خلفت وراءها سوساً ناخراً أعماق كل اكتمال نابت"

Chinese Wisdom of the Day

"My memory of you is better than you."

~ Lao Tzu

Monday, January 17, 2011

Secret Message from Salomé

"If you have no more happiness to give, give me your pain."

~ Lou Andreas-Salomé

Thursday, January 13, 2011


The song I came to sing
remains unsung to this day.
I have spent my days in stringing
and in unstringing my instrument.

The time has not come true,
the words have not been rightly set;
only there is the agony
of wishing in my heart.....

I have not seen his face,
nor have I listened to his voice;
only I have heard his gentle footsteps
from the road before my house.....

But the lamp has not been lit
and I cannot ask him into my house;
I live in the hope of meeting with him;
but this meeting is not yet.

~Rabindranath Tagore

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Your Otherness

I am reminded by your "otherness" so much so that it expands and fills up all the void around us, sucking up all the air. I try to see the likeness, the similarity, to look for the old familiarity, but the otherness is louder, highlighted, magnified. And too hard to ignore. And I don't know if it's my mind playing tricks, or if you really make it a point to point it out. "I am one, you are the other" or "I am the other, and you are the one" (but not the one)

Your otherness in the sense of what I am and you are not.
Your otherness in the sense of what I am not and you are.
Your otherness in expressing Divine love, and me expressing Divine Order.
Your otherness in seeking peace through isolation, and not through connection.
Your otherness in finally accepting laws of nature, when I finally start to denounce them.
Your otherness in not being in my shoes, and not being part of my internal dialogue.

and so on, your Otherness.

On Forgiveness

"Le pardon n'est pas un outil de guérison de la blessure. Il n'est pas nécessaire à la libération de son passé. Il l'est en revanche à la restauration de l'intimité. Le pardon est un mouvement d'amour qui répare la relation ... Je crois en la capacité de chacun de s'ouvrir à l'autre. Je crois au pouvoir de l'empathie, de l'amour et de la parole dans la réparation des relations blessées."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dear Universe

If you think you're going to break me by forcing me to listen to Mayada's Ana Ba3sha2ak in EVERY taxi ride, and stage it like it's a coincidence, then you're mistaken. You won't break me.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011


Overheard said to a colleague who is even more anal about communication consistency than I am:
"you didn't transform the document or anything.. you just put it in the right template, fixed some wording, and made the font all the same."

ALL THE SAME?!?! So you want to tell me the font was NOT already all the same?!?!?!

Really? You think that's nothing? in my previous life, we would've hanged you.
We actually had the templates locked for editing the styles.. do you know what that meant? it meant you cannot just bold and italicize and write in big letters when you please. Unless we said you can.

oh we were Nazis when it came to structure.. sometimes I miss the Queendom.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011


Et après toi, que dois-je faire?

Fais de crochet!

Monday, January 03, 2011


I just discovered this song this morning as a part two to a song I love (Jeet Ta Hibbak). The lyrics are very meaningful :)

حبيت...إوعك تقول لي إنك ما حبيت
أو إنك هالفترة بس اتسليت
أنا بدي أعرف إنت ليه فليّت

لشو...ما بعلمي امبارح كنا أحلى اتنين
وعم بتخطط من هلأ لسنتين
وتقول لي راح نبقى سوا بعدين

مخنوق...أسئلتي عم تكتر وما عم روق
قول لي دخلك ليش دايماً ضهرك ما بروق
ما بروق...لازم تجاوب حتى روق

مُصِر...تعرف ليه جيت أحبك قمت نسيت
تعرف ليه جيت أضمك قمت سهيت
أنا كل اللي عملته إني غنيت

خليك...اسمع لي ها المقطع بس وروح
أنا كل اللي عندي قلته وما راح انوح
ها المرة راح أقول لك عن جد وبوضوح
العمى بقلبك...بقلبك

Sunday, January 02, 2011

The right to return

My (not-so-secret-to-someone) Secret: Every week I check it, thinking which ones sound like they were sent by me, and which ones could've been sent by the other. This one above is just a wish.