Monday, November 01, 2010

...and in front of my eyes is this

... Il est pareil aux dieux, l'homme qui te regarde,
Sans craindre ton sourire, et tes yeux, et ta voix,
Moi, je tremble et je sue, et ma face est hagarde
Et mon cœur est aux abois...
La chaleur et le froid tour à tour m'envahissent ;
Je ne résiste pas au délire trop fort ;
Et ma gorge s'étrangle et mes genoux fléchissent,
Et je connais la mort...

~ Sappho


AN said...

where do you get this stuff?
every time you post something in French it reminds me that i need to work on my French! dammit

Nag said...

hahahaha... we know my French is worse! but, I usually get the general meaning and Google helps with the rest!

Where I get this stuff is random...

as for this one in particular, it is on RF's desk, and I noticed it the first time I was at his cubicle... and I loved it..

Sappho is a female Greek poet from the island of Lesbos (hint hint).. she is here writing to a woman she was watching..