Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ramblings of a diseased mind..

(any thoughts mentioned hereunder are totally incoherent, not the thoughts themselves, but the line of writing)

* Ob-la-di, Ob-la-"dooda"

sooooo... yesterday was quite a day.. the day wasnt loaded, but there were many tasks that needed doing and all... anyway.. so i was supposed to get a document by the end of day (around 7) to work on it and send it at night.. so i think what the heck.. might as well work on it at home.. i meet with Kareem in korba, ideally for a quick coffee then going home.. we go Harris, i realize am pretty hungry so we decide to order the greek salad that we luv and lemon juice.. i was starting to get tense for some reason and i start to feel eno this day wont end well... i go like "Kareem, i bet you they will bring us lemon with milk not lemon juice.. just because we didnt say 'lemon WITHOUT milk'".. our lemon juices come, _and_ *surprise* it is indeed with milk... mesh mohem, it is still good.... a while later, our beautiful salad plates arrive.. looking fresh and delicious and full and the dressing looks nice :D... i look at it, at the cheese and the tomatoes, and the lettuce and the onions and that tiny lettuce piece on the top of an onion slice, and it looks back... what? a green lettuce looking back? eih da how cuuuuuuute... it is just a little green worm with little beady eyes... lovely :D i go like "kareem, dooda".. he thinks "she is talking gibberish again.. dooda?" then he looks at her... we call the guy.. am laughing my head off ba2a by then.. and we go without paying for the lemon milk :) all in all, was a good experience.. no more salad outside.. i mean come on! when i was the lettuce, i wash it leaf by leaf, scrubbing each leaf to make sure there is nothing left unseen... but look at the bright side, at least that means their stuff is _really_ fresh from the field, LOL... the brighter side is, it was *I* who got to blog it first!


check it out... very cool/funny.... everytime you think "what more useless inventions can they have?", the human mind surprises you yet...

* "time flies like an arrow"
We used this phrase in CSCI 422 in uni to illustrate how contextual meaning can make a difference.. so there is the regular interpretation.. and there is another one.. supposed there is a species of "flies" like house flies and fruit flies.. these flies they "like an arrow" :D
when Abdelbar said that in class, Khaled and Heba and I (422 trio :D) just started laughing.. weirdly enough, no one else got the joke.. or maybe they just didnt get AB himself... this course was probably the one i studied for the most in uni..
so it goes like "time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana" :D

*And there was light!
Duke is no longer the proud owner of his blog.. i mean he is proud alright.. and he owns it as well.. but no more witty/dark post.. i guess every notable phase of his life had to end with Senna.. (if u dont know what am talking about, i wont link to his blog here.. i quit doing that after i realized the enormous masses that reached my own blog this way :D

* Song of the day.. Or "did u think i was gonna let you off without lyrics?" ;)
It's Gavin DeGraw's "I dont want to be" (did i blog this before?).... i used to listen to it always with OzMoz in our way to work, she introduced me to it.. i suggest you check it out..

I don't want to be
Anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do
Is think of me and I have peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms
Wondering what I've got to do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me


Anonymous said...

Nag in Black??!!!
Did I pass a torch or something while sleeping....

And the worm
She's looking back at you!!!!
How Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute

I love them worms when they look back at me in my salad dish. It makes an unearthly experience of eating a salad...
The lettuce is looking back at YOU
of all people she chose to look at YOU

Sign of freshnesss!!!!!!
Lemon with milk!!!!

I am feeling sick

I am no longer the proud owner of my blog

and I am still wondering....

How come you are not getting any spam posts despite not having word verification??!

Nag said...

Nag in Black yes :D
i thought this look is cooler for the time being...

actually, having worms in ur salad plate makes a very "earthly" (not unearthly) experience :D

about the spam comments, i have always wanted to blog about that :D maybe they respect me for not wanting to torture my readers with unreadable text :D did u know that a lot of times i actually mistype the verification text! :)

Christian said...

We all did know that, you've mentioned it quite a few times :)

I, however, have to admit was seriously entertained by:
i mean come on! when i was the lettuce, i wash it leaf by leaf, scrubbing each leaf to make sure there is nothing left unseen.

Anonymous said...

Hey! How come no one mentioned the third meaning of that sentence??

You could take your stopwatch and time flies (to see how fast they would get from point A to point B) the way an arrow would time them (that might mean not using your stopwatch, though, since an arrow may not know how to use one)..

Don't tell me no one mentioned that to Abdelbar in class :D I really like the way this guy's mind works.

Mmmmm...lettuce with worms...ghrrghrrr (Homer Simpson style).

I'm really baffled here. Am I the only one to have never heard of lemon with milk before???

Anonymous said...

Nag...are you planning to steal Duke's thunder and call yourself "The Duchess of darkness"?! :P

Boo: I havent heard of lemon with milk before either! :D

Christian said...

You guys obviously don't go to Farghaly enough. I was baffled too when I first heard the guy calling out "lamoon be 7aleeb" but I've tried it once I think since then and it's not as bad as it sounds.

Other things that I was suprised go with milk are cinnamon (3al ahwa mesh farghaly, 2erfa be 7aleeb), strawberry, and I think there is watermelon too.

Oh and 7aleeb seems to be the rugged way to say milk, as opposed to laban. So if you're a guy you wanna order your drinks with 7aleeb not laban. Girls can get away with ordering lamoon bel laban though.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. I know about el erfa. Also, any fruit with milk is fine with me too. The lemon I still can't picture.

CurlyFatAngry said...

Eih ya regala? Lamon b 7aleeb is standard ahwa baladee beverage, the one I didn't find except in a couple of ahwas is lemon with mint, where they put mint leafes in the blender and it tastes alot like toothpaste. That's in one of those ahwas where you spend like three hours and pay LE2.5 after filling yourself with m3assel and drinks. Some of the strange ahwa lingo includes:

3ennab -> hibiscus
Mo7'talat -> cinnamon + ginger (good for cold and flu)
Shaee Meno Feeh -> It's tea with milk, except they actually brew the tea in milk not water so it's very rich and creamy
Bondo2 -> Sa7lab

CurlyFatAngry said...

I never knew you were lettuce before, that explains that victorious look you have before eating a salad, it's like u're eating that cusin u can't stand ... So that makes washing the leafs like taking a shower? :P

And i think you had a few spam comments, remember those "comment deleted by author" or whatever.

Anonymous said...

Actually it would be like helping your cousin shower, wouldn't it?

Anonymous said...

I will not dignify your comments with an answer.

Nag said...

@ Chris-
i noticed the i "was" the lettuce thing after i posted.. but it wasnt worth the correction and i knew it'd come up in the comments :P

@ Karembu-
LOL... well actually, this was the THIRD meaning fe3lan... its just that i forgot it when i was writing it.. actually this was my favorite at the time because i used to actually imagine an arrow holding a stopwatch (contrary to what you think :D)

Lemon with milk is Harris default "lemon"

@ Dinky Pinky-
I am Alice in Wonderland.. the Duchess is in the Queen of Hearts court or something..

@ Kareem-
Thank you for the "Ahwa 101" lecture :P altho i still stick to my word that in real life "3ennab" is a totally different plant than hibiscus (karkadeih)
LOL.. really LOL at the lettuce/shower thing... it wouldve made Jerry very proud ;)

about the spam comments.. yes i got a few, but definitely fewer than you guys.. and they stopped..

@ Chris (tani)-
no its not that.. i actually liked the fact that you were commenting on the post not on each other for a change :P but i was too busy to reply (doing the job karembu would die to figure out)

Christian said...

3ennab is different than karkadeih in real life because anything you eat or drink in an ahwa that calls karkadeih 3ennab is different than their real life (clean) counterparts. It's not a difference in the plant :P

Nag said...

as a plant, 3ennab is a sort of berry that makes a reddish juice as well (that is from a certified source :D)
karkadeih however is a leaf.

Anonymous said...

Ah sa7. El 3ennab el bannati.

Anonymous said...

Plus, there's no reason to assume that stopwatches are the best way to time a fly (or a group of flies). Maybe arrows have a better way of doing it that we're not aware of.

Anonymous said...

Hey you.

Post something

Anonymous said...

Bloggy ay 7aga ya 3am ba2a!
Praw praw praw! :P