Saturday, August 25, 2012

nice earrings

the first thing I noticed about her was her earrings. I really appreciate nice earrings, to the point that I believe they tell more about a woman's character and strength more than any other jewelry item. Much more.

So, I noticed her earrings, first on her, then on the dressing table.. several pairs of them.. all lovely, all catchy.. And I complimented him (as I didn't know her much back then, or now) on his wife's taste in earrings, joking that she wouldn't notice if a pair went missing by me...

She still wears nice earrings, but it doesn't matter now, for there is another who also does..

nice earrings, short dark hair, and big smiles. Patterns.

Thursday, August 09, 2012


I am haunted by fear of mediocrity. There is a thin line between being mediocre and being content, and I am haunted by the fear that I will be one of those who settle for mediocrity and claim it as contentment.

I am also tongue-tied. I think I forgot how to write. So much so that my posts tend to have a gloomy concise nature that annoys me and then I end up saving the post as draft hoping it will one day be polished to see the light, which it mostly never does.